Sandy beach is now just abeam with the Koko Head blocking our view of the finish, I am still at the helm, everyone is on deck, we’re in our offshore positions, Steve Horst is on the bow, Russ is in the pit, Linus is at the mast, and Scott and Gordon are in the cockpit. Linus does a final check for the jibe, and asks me to make the call when the boat’s ready, just as we have done together for the last two weeks. As we rotate through the final jibe of the race, Diamond Head comes into view; the lump in everyone’s throats has the boat silent.
Racing directly to us is a small sportfisher, she’s really making waves. When they arrive to greet us, it’s the film crew, where they immediately start filming our finish. By this time we are smoking along in a pretty good sea way, the skipper of the film boat is an expert and has them about ten feet off our bow and the crew is holding water proof camera gear on sticks just on the waters surface, it’s wild we feel like celebrities it’s lights cameras action as we rock and roll our way to the Buoy. Just as the excitement of their arrival dies down we can see a huge navy launch approaching, she’s the one we have been waiting for. All of the wives and girl friends have been up early preparing for this moment, the excitement is intoxicating, they
As we continue sailing in the heavy wind I tell the guys in the cockpit to take a mental snapshot of Waikiki and the skyline. A few moments later we drop the sails and put the motor in gear for the first time in over 16 days.

Thank you all for the Love and support.