Things are looking much better. We knew the lighter boats would get more southing done than we would, we could have done a better job of covering the southern leaders, but feel we have entered this long parallel part of the course a bit high but in their water.
The toughest part of getting here is over, last night we struggled with speeds under three knots, even throwing a jibe in for a short time, luckily it was at three in the morning, so not even we could see how ugly that was. The wind has held, the running spinnaker is up, and the compass numbers are not nauseating. We had a great morning meal followed by boat baths.
Today's quote of the day comes from my watch partner Gordon Boivin,While I'm pouring a bucket of salt water over my head. "Brownie, what do women see in us? Camels are better

It's a long way to Honolulu, the part of the race track where we will do better is a couple more days away. Pray for some rough water. Was that a zoo camel or domestic?
Rec'd at 11AM.
We paid our penance yesterday and are in wind today. This cost us in daily position from 3rd to 7th. We are back in the hunt and will be optimizing on closing the gap.
Brilliant (1st)and Peregrine(2nd) had an excellent run and will be difficult to catch (not impossible). With 11 knots of breeze we can get in our stride. With a 75 mile deficit and 9 days to go that is only 8 miles a day or 0.3 knots faster.
Team Brown Sugar fighting hard!!!
Ok guyz.... time to hunker down and sail that puppy to da bone !!!
Lotsa course length left to go, so put some new music on and giddy 'yup !!!
rootin' for ya from shoreside !!!
johnny riz
Go Brown Sugar, Go. There is still a lot of race left!!!
Keep sailing hard boys!!
Happy Bastile day. You guys need to get out of jail. We're second guessing you guys via Valencia, Spain and Tiburon. Time for you to make decesion to win. How has the ice cream held up. Sounds like the 100lb stero system is finally getting a work out. go Go GO !!! Weigth Nazi
Honey, I don't think you look that much like a camel. But I am a little worried about Gordon. If he starts telling you camels are beautiful, run!
Relentless is further north than Brown Sugar and seem to have a lot of wind. Hopefully, your wind will hold up! Go!!
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