In recent years the Trans Pac organizers, apparently wishing to maintain some nautical roots began requiring that each participant fix their relative positions down the race course using sun shots via a Sextant. Yet again this responsibility fell too Russ. A man for all seasons he utilizes a mix of old and new technologies. Now in the case of our sturdy little vessel we have yet another fully redundant method of navigating. This totally human oriented manual system is used as a back up giving team Brown Sugar a fully integrated totally redundant navigation system. For this process we call on the seamanship skills of Linus. After years of blue water sailing he has acquired a marvelous sense of dead reckoning combined with some ancient mariner ju ju. For instance he was able to confirm that we had in fact crossed over the half way line simply by recalling that 2 sleeps ago we had the half way party. To confirm our path down course with every watch when he comes on he is immediately aware that in the a.m. the sun is rising behind us and in the p.m. it is setting just off our starboard bow, and at those times he is heard to say “Hey there it is or Wow there it goes again”. As for weather again today he made the observation that there were apparent “wind generating cloud cells all around us” and “there were sheep on both sides of us” this is in reference to whitecaps, we think. As well using a skill past on to him in some far past voyage he was able, using simple items found on board, in this case, a paper towel roll and plotting dividers, construct a sextant like tool and support Russ’s efforts in taking sun shots.
“We” Brian Samuel Allott
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