Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Whale Story published! We're famous!

Click here to see our story on the official Transpac website.

No word from the boat yet today...data published for Div 6 is still from yesterday at 0600!!!! Anxiously waiting....


Anonymous said...

It's a helluva long sailboat ride, aye boyz? Hope you guyz get some big wind soon...just keep workin' it south...

I had a feeling the new transponder tracking system would falter..

Rootin' for ya shore side, I'll see ya all in Ali Wai upon arrival

sail fast, I'll be chk'g back....

Anonymous said...

Well I guess the "Steve Brown Whale Watching Tour" business is on hold until he can get a boat bigger than the whales. It's an adventue of a lifetime. Enjoy! We are rooting for you! Karen and Steve