Rec'd 1155 on 7/20 We keep trying to crunch up the deficit. Sorry to report we are still in 7th place. It looks like a parade with the exception of Psyche and CA Girl who have opted for the port pole. This is costing them in efficiency to the finish line. Based on the weather models this appears to be a big gamble- if it works in their favor it really does not matter to us since they are already ahead of us. However, if this flyer does not pay it will help our positioning in the class. The rest of us are now playing follow the leader.
The weather looks like the same light stuff(12-15) knots until Wednesday- when we should hit The islands. Our two big decisions remaining are when to jibe to the island and how to target our approach. Crunching number and still hoping we can pull off a 4th. All systems working well! Spirits are a little down after posting our best day run of 185 miles. Everyone else pretty much sailed to the same level-very well! Hoping we are special!! A lot of good sailors out there and mistakes cannot be made or made-up for later.
Still pushing
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